7 Steps to Happiness from be&behappy.

June 21, 2017


The next challenge starts on July 7th and all Groomed LA readers will receive a 20% discount when you use code GROOMEDLA20 at check out! https://beandbehappy.com/product/detox-challenge/

 Is It possible to achieve a happier you in 7 days?


Living in big cities gets hectic. We know. Summer is officially here, calendars are not only filled with the regular day job, but it gets filled with more happy hours, beach days, pool parties, action packed vacations, and so much more. Before you know it you’re doing so much and your body, mind and soul disconnects from each other and you find yourself overwhelmed and lost. When you’ve hit the point you’ll feel exhausted, overwhelmed and at even unhappy. Luckily, there’s something you have that can change it.

It’s called a choice, and today, you can choose to be happy.

There’s a True Detox Challenge out there, and no, it doesn’t require you to binge on lemon, vinegar and cookies.

be&behappy wants you to have best summer (so keep reading to find true happiness is 7 days…)

be&behappy is a group of happiness experts who have practiced years of Ayurvedic health. They provide the necessary tools and support to help you rediscover the happiness of the body, mind and soul!

  1. Day One: Release what’s negative in your life. This may be hard because that negativity can be a something or a someone. It’s not something you can do overnight, but the first step to letting go is a step closer to happiness.
  2. Day Two: Identify what gives you peace. To be peaceful is to be calm in your heart and mind. Ask yourself what is it that brings you peace? Take a moment to think deeply and go after it!
  3. Day Three: Always look on the brighter side. Is the glass half empty or is it half full? When you turn a negative into a positive or look for a solution rather than the problem, you will find yourself closer to happiness and contentment.
  4. Day Four: Express gratitude. There are so many things to be grateful for. It could be for the little things like sunshine or the big things like an amazing family and a great group of friends. Identify what it is you’re grateful for!
  5. Day Five: Be your own cheerleader. Daily. Tell yourself you are awesome. Recognize that there is only one you and you have purpose! Don’t only tell yourself, but believe
  6. Day Six: It’s all about being present. Focus on the here and now. Don’t ruminate over the past and don’t worry about the future. What matters is what are you doing to make improve yourself right this very second.
  7. Day Seven: Reward yourself and celebrate you. Life is all about the little things that make a HUGE difference. The fact that you took a step to release what’s negative is a victory, the fact that you decided to eat one more serving of fruits and vegetables is a victory. These things are great things and they should be recognized and rewarded.

These are just a few ways to achieve happiness. The True Detox Challenge gives you a chance to join a challenge with people all over the world. Before you convince yourself that you’re not happy, you have the choice to be otherwise.

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